LinkedIn Tips, Tricks and Insights (updated 2023) ⚖️
An always updated LinkedIn publication that I put on my profile to store my notes and share with others random tid-bits of stuff I've learned about the LinkedIn universe. Nothing exciting but not everything is boring either.
Supercharge your emailing with an AHK script that uses the PAUSE key to quickly share website links, customized key bindings, emoji in subjects, encoding tricks, hashtag organization, and seamless integration with popular email clients.
SMS Integration for your Business Marketing & Automation ?
To improve service for loyalty customers, optimize customer outreach with targeted promotions across different channels. One way to establish personalized communication is by using the same phone number as your mobile number, making it convenient to send SMS marketing campaigns.
For optimal use, rebind the keys on a Chromium or Firefox browser to easily adjust playback speed on YouTube according to your preference, using media keys if possible.
Make it easier to consume content on YouTube with just a few tips and tricks. 5 tips to increase finding quality content on YouTube with just a couple of tweaks.