Where to start? What an incredible fruit. Cranberries, native to North America, are not merely a Thanksgiving staple; their tartness often requires dilution. I'm beginning to appreciate these berries, moving beyond their association with UTIs to recognize their broader health benefits.
Space Berries
Science is continually evolving but I've recently fallen in love with Cranberries (or I think I have).
- Antinflammatory enhance heart health, support digestion and aid in post-exercise recovery.
- Antihistamine-like effects
- Those fascinated by spiders will be pleased to discover that farmers employ them as guardians against pests when crops are growing.
- Loaded with AntiOxidants — Stop oxidation, reducing cellular damage
- Healthy urinary tract walls prevent the adhesion of bacteria — THIS IS THE BIGGEST BENEFIT
- Cranberry juice has been a long time favorite of pot smokers who are subject to UA tests because of the no stick effect
- After juice extraction, remaining pomace (skins, seeds, and pulp) is used in animal feed, compost, and even natural dyes.
- Vines in Massachusetts are over 150 years old
- Ask any space traveler, or space professional on the subject of cranberries, and you could learn about their use in fighting radiation, preserving bone health, boosting immunity, improving mental function, and extending food usability.
- They do not grow underwater.
- Each cranberry has 4 air chambers, that means they can float.
- Recipes and those who prepare cranberries usually add sugar to offset the tartness.
- Just like you can freeze lemons, and greens, freeze cranberries to keep them around all year.
- Just boil cranberries in water and add a few slices of lemon, sweetened with a bit of honey to make a nice tea.

It's a real shame that when you search YouTube for “Cranberries” you are overwhelmed with music. Not to say the band isn't good, but the opportunity to learn more about these fruits is a little-bit hidden.
- Cranberry Juice from the store is a scam, it's just water, sugar and a little bit of cranberry taste — https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JXAj-fHuMGM
- Harvesting is a serious production — https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OjX7AATRdg4
- Short documentary — https://youtu.be/XZPXQ7nw_9Y
- 90s Health Tips — https://youtu.be/bV4V5p39MhE
What did the grape say when it got stepped on by a cranberry?
“Nothing, it just let out a little wine.”
Will cranberry pills produce the same results as drinking cranberry juice, or cranberry concentrate with water?
They share some similarities, but there are differences as well… both forms are beneficial. I've tried using the concentrate AND the pills for a week and my pee was a crazy color.
More YouTube stuff
— https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cranberries+-music
Recent news stuff
— https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cranberries&iar=news