Quick Updates
So far I like working with the memberships plugin.
- Added membership dedicated page called “Courses“
- Published some starter posts that are exclusive to members who give me money
- Anyone who visits the homepage, is now encouraged to become a member and explore courses page
- Added two cool simple snippets to display number of comments and number of posts belonging to specific tags/categories
- The shop browse page also displays videos for featured images if the product has a video
- The site reviews had some minor updates and tweaks to better match the Amazon look and feel
- Right now, I think the https://www.vondelphia.com/ blog posts are MORE complete to my vision so I wanna port over some of that stuff soon…
Nice little overhaul before Christmas
Just some things…
- Added membership system
- Improved reviews to better match Amazon
- Tweaked menu layout
- Added crypto page
- Shop now has better seo, all product SEO meta descriptions are now excerpts
- Deployed “pooled” hosting solutions so people can INSTANTLY deploy a website
Cleaned Up
Just some small things…
- Cleaned up the nav with some minor styling
- Focusing more on going back to previous blog posts and tweaking them so they better match global styles and “sound” right when being read.
- Add a proper form on support page
- Removed some plugins and converted them into snippets