My name is Matt G. and it’s nice to meet you… I think we met at Staples.

Happy Thursday!

“Help When You Need It”

I get people online. I’ll help set up websites, domains or assist with any digital needs.
If you want, we can hang out and drink coffee, throw the nerf ball or play chess.

Schedule Chit-Chat

Special Staples OfferDeposit $100 and receive $200 in credit.

What I’ll Help With

Just about anything you can imagine with “online”…

Improving website speed and response times.

Custom Email Address and Setup + Mail Campaigns

Troubleshooting WordPress, like 500 errors and the white screen of death.

What I Won’t Help With

Customizing server configs (Nginx, PHP, MySQL, etc.).

Editing an existing bloat-filled trash website…

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