Devotional Trinket

Miraculous Medal

Not considered a “lucky charm” in the traditional sense, as its power is believed to come from faith and prayer rather than random fortune.

By ♟ Maggew.comUpdated   37 Views

I came across a $5 Miraculous Medal keepsake that someone else had left behind. After waiting a few days and seeing that no one claimed it, I decided to start wearing it myself.

Front of Miraculous Medal
Front of Miraculous Medal
The Back of Miraculous Medal
The Back of Miraculous Medal

“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”

Reflects a key belief in the Immaculate Conception—that Mary was conceived without original sin. Catholics believe that wearing this medal demonstrates trust in Mary’s intercession and protection

Marian apparition that took place in 1830. Saint Catherine Labouré, a nun in Paris, reported that the Virgin Mary appeared to her in a vision and asked for the creation of a medal according to specific instructions. Mary promised that those who wear the medal with faith would receive great graces. It became known as the “Miraculous Medal” because of the numerous reported miracles and conversions attributed to it over the years.

  • Miracle of Ratisbonne, is one of the most well-known stories linked to the Miraculous Medal. 


  • Receive graces
  • Express devotion

Faith, not Luck

Not considered a “lucky charm” in the traditional sense, as its power is believed to come from faith and prayer rather than random fortune

  • Luck = generally understood as a random or chance occurrence
  • Miracles come through prayer, trust, and faith, rather than random good luck
    • Graces and Miracles = faith and divine intervention

Did you know? Conversation between Mary and Saint Catherine was likely in French

  • Made in Italy, oval devotional item
  • Mary, Mother of Jesus, is not worshiped
  • Praying to Mary (or the saints), as if you would ask a saint, a friend, or a loved one to pray for you is not rude, or a replacement for praying to God.
    • The Hail Mary in Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42
  • Around the Neck (often worn along with a crucifix) OR Bracelet or Charm
  • Commonly given as a baptism gift, confirmation present, or as a way to welcome someone into the Catholic Church
An image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with rays of light emanating from her hands, symbolizing the graces she bestows.An “M” surmounted by a cross, with two hearts beneath it—one representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus (crowned with thorns) and the other representing the Immaculate Heart of Mary (pierced by a sword).

Phonetic Pronunciations


  1. O Maria, concepita senza peccato, prega per noi che ricorriamo a te.
  2. Oh Mah-ree-ah, kon-che-PEE-tah SEN-zah peh-KAH-toh, PREH-gah per noy, kay ree-kor-RYAH-mo ah tay.


  1. Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous.
  2. Oh Mah-ree, kon-sue sahn pay-shay, pree-ay poor noo, kee ah-von ruh-kour ah voo.


  1. Maria, concepta sine peccato, ora pro nobis qui ad te confugimus.
  2. Oh Mah-ree-ah, kon-KEP-tah SEE-nay peh-KAH-toh, OH-rah pro NO-bees, kee ahd tay kon-FOO-gee-moos.

I came across a $5 Miraculous Medal keepsake that someone else had left behind. After waiting a few days and seeing that no one claimed it, I decided to start wearing it myself.

Front of Miraculous Medal
Front of Miraculous Medal
The Back of Miraculous Medal
The Back of Miraculous Medal

“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”

Reflects a key belief in the Immaculate Conception—that Mary was conceived without original sin. Catholics believe that wearing this medal demonstrates trust in Mary’s intercession and protection

Marian apparition that took place in 1830. Saint Catherine Labouré, a nun in Paris, reported that the Virgin Mary appeared to her in a vision and asked for the creation of a medal according to specific instructions. Mary promised that those who wear the medal with faith would receive great graces. It became known as the “Miraculous Medal” because of the numerous reported miracles and conversions attributed to it over the years.

  • Miracle of Ratisbonne, is one of the most well-known stories linked to the Miraculous Medal. 


  • Receive graces
  • Express devotion

Faith, not Luck

Not considered a “lucky charm” in the traditional sense, as its power is believed to come from faith and prayer rather than random fortune

  • Luck = generally understood as a random or chance occurrence
  • Miracles come through prayer, trust, and faith, rather than random good luck
    • Graces and Miracles = faith and divine intervention

Did you know? Conversation between Mary and Saint Catherine was likely in French

  • Made in Italy, oval devotional item
  • Mary, Mother of Jesus, is not worshiped
  • Praying to Mary (or the saints), as if you would ask a saint, a friend, or a loved one to pray for you is not rude, or a replacement for praying to God.
    • The Hail Mary in Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42
  • Around the Neck (often worn along with a crucifix) OR Bracelet or Charm
  • Commonly given as a baptism gift, confirmation present, or as a way to welcome someone into the Catholic Church
An image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with rays of light emanating from her hands, symbolizing the graces she bestows.An “M” surmounted by a cross, with two hearts beneath it—one representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus (crowned with thorns) and the other representing the Immaculate Heart of Mary (pierced by a sword).

Phonetic Pronunciations


  1. O Maria, concepita senza peccato, prega per noi che ricorriamo a te.
  2. Oh Mah-ree-ah, kon-che-PEE-tah SEN-zah peh-KAH-toh, PREH-gah per noy, kay ree-kor-RYAH-mo ah tay.


  1. Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous.
  2. Oh Mah-ree, kon-sue sahn pay-shay, pree-ay poor noo, kee ah-von ruh-kour ah voo.


  1. Maria, concepta sine peccato, ora pro nobis qui ad te confugimus.
  2. Oh Mah-ree-ah, kon-KEP-tah SEE-nay peh-KAH-toh, OH-rah pro NO-bees, kee ahd tay kon-FOO-gee-moos.

1 thought on “Miraculous Medal”

  1. If you wear this for a week or two, and than one day forget… life “feels a little different.” — I know, seems odd…


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