Discover / Explore

I’m a master of the web, and it never fails to amaze people how I, as a webmaster, uncover, astonish, and delight with content I gather to share.

Most of what I’m about to share with you is probably stuff you already know but perhaps, just maybe, there’s always that chance you’ll stumble upon a novel technique to weave into your online routine, discovering a treasure trove of fantastic content between now and death.

Allow me a moment of your time old sport, let me walk you through some of my preferred methods.

  1. Setup Alerts (Feedbro, Google, RSS, etc)
    • I’ve always found utilizing email is the best because I have more control
  2. Browse blogroll lists or directories like and mass open with Linkclump
  1. Join communities that align with your exploration
    • It could be a discord community, subreddit or forum
  2. Never settle for trash, filter the garbage and keep devouring…
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